Sanatan Dharm......Ilakkiya Megam Srinivasan - 23 - Good Deed, And not so

Good Deed, And not so

You're what your
Deep driving desire is.
As is your desire,
So is your Will.
As is your Will,
So is your Deed.
As is your Deed,
So is your Destiny.

- Brahadaranyak Upanishad

If one does good, corresponding good may happen to him. Equally, if one does not-so-good, its effect too would be not so good. The moot question is, is there no redemption at all, if one has done not-so-good either accidentally or deliberately? Veda has an answer. If the person doing not so good gives up his conceit and confesses, God mitigates the intensity of consequences to a sinful deed done in the past, though not God would appreciate his sinful deeds.

While awake and asleep, chant earnestly the nama, name of the God. The mind is always wayward. When you chant, chant soulfully, you will see the magic. The wayward mind on its own converges and your full concentration is on God Himself. The power of prayer is so strong. It saved Markandeya from the clutches of Yama. Saint Tirugnanasambandar cites of it in his Psalms, Devaram songs.

God faith sustains. For nearly half a century, the nay Sayers went wholehog making mockery of that faith with their pseudo rationalism. Not just creating confusion in the minds of the people, there was complete jeopardization of value system. There was scant scare to indulge in sin doing. The result is absence of peace and restlessness in the society.

The Gen - previous used to abide by parents' words. If children then indulged in wrong doings, the parents used to scare the wards saying God would punch on the eyes. We saw, those who were mesmerized by atheists were lurched to fend for themselves. By Bhakti movement, individuals kept their discipline and thus in turn paved for discipline in the society.

Saint Tiruvalluvar said, " if harm is done to the other in the morning, the same reverts to the perpetrator in the evening.". Newton, in his third law, reiterated it when he said for every action, there would be equal opposite reaction.

The effects of sin done in one generation transcend and descend down to gen next. It - that the perpetrators of bad deeds live well, but the one who is pious and very religious only suffers - is quite common lament. In fact, the God comes in some way to save the good doers. Whereas the sin doers go to peak and they couldn't be saved from falling.

Once there was a big queue and people were waiting to have darsn of Maha Swami. In the the queue was one rich couple with their 8 year old son. The boy didn't have the development of a 8 year old child. The parent were very worried and when their turn for the darsn arrived, with teary eyes they narrated their concern about their son. Mahaswami asked the couple, 'Was there one Sarswati in your family anytime before?". The couple were silent. Behind them in the queue was another family which was related to the couple before them. They confirmed to Maha Swami about Saraswati. Maha Swami further queried, " Was she suffering hardship in the family?". The family next in the queue affirmed about the torture to Saraswati. Then Maha Swami without saying anything left the place. The tears of a woman in the previous generation did have its effect on the child, generations later. Saint Tiruvalluvar says no amount of crying could lessen the effect of any bad deed done. - அல்லற் பட்டு ஆற்றாது அழுத கண்ணீர்.

Reason why Andal Nachiyar insists on doing only good always. God graces such good doers. - எற்றைக்கும் ஏழேழ் பிறவிக்கும் உன் தன்னோடு
உற்றோமே ஆவோம் உனக்கே நாம் ஆட்செய்வோம்.

There is a saying in Tamil:
பண்ணிய புண்ணியம் பயிரில் தெரியும்.
அவன் கொடுத்து வைத்தவன்.
The good deeds done by farmers will reflect in the good growth of their plants. What is it that one has been given to. It is nothing but his good and righteous work. There may be ridiculing of those do-gooders. But the one who does good can always heave a shy of relief and lead a peaceful life.

In an office, there may be all kind of workers. One set may be, to do their bounden duty they would expect to be greased. On the other side, there are
Straight forward workers. In office there was a first type - expecting to get greased - officer. No approval came from him unless the hush Money was given. He stayed in the same position. He amassed wealth, built big house and bought a big a car. There was another officer who went by book in his service. The first officer passed remarks on the latter, " poor fellow, feeling like Gandhi and doesn't make use of his position to earn extra money.". This comment didn't disturb the straight forward officer. He was transferred from one office to another. Yet he didn't complain. The time never stagnates. The time to retire for the first type officer had come.

Once retired, the wife of the retired officer fell ill. Now he had no extra income. The medical expenses were mounting. The lady became paralytic. Refusing to attend to mother in law, his daughter in law went along with the officer's son to live away from the joint family. The officer also suffered hyper tension and high sugar levels. For everything he had to fend for himself. Needless to say, he now suffered the effect of his unfair conduct during his tenure as officer.

On the other side, the straight forward officer also had retired. His children took good care of him. He spent his life peacefully.

The price one pays for doing anything out of the way is not in any far away future. It happens instantly according to Sanatan.

God is there 
He weighs good and not-so-good that anyone does.

Let's live leading and living a blissful life by doing good.


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